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Lynher Valley

Jill Goodman • 17 March 2021

Climate change and the Lynher Valley

I've spent time in the last six months developing two websites. Both have been of great importance to me: 

This is our parish community climate emergency action group. We came together in November 2019, and in February 2020 we hosted a Climate Emergency Information Fayre in our village hall. Now, much of that information is presented on our website, which I update regularly. 

This was a group website that I created and edited for many years, but have now incorpoarted it into this website for a new purpose. It began as a rural network, representing small busnesses including artists and makers. It was essentially promoting strategies for developing eco-tourism, and I achieved a Green Tourism Award.

In 2020 I shifted the focus, and it now represents those of us living/working in (or fairly near to) the Lynher Valley declaring a Climate & Ecological Emergency. It includes 'Cornwall Artists Declare', part of the Culture Declares movement. 

In this beautiful valley of the River Lynher on the north/eastern side of Bodmin Moor, we have wonderful woodlands, streams moorland hills and tors, and the river flowing into the Tamar estuary.

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